About APMC
Nurturing a Culture of Professionalism
Who We Are:
Afghanistan Project Management Center is a pioneering professional services company, providing project management services, internationally recognized certification programs, and demand-based trainings, for organizations and individuals across the country.
Our training methodologies are based on adult learning models with a focus on practical realities of the social and business context in Afghanistan - enabling learners to set practical connections between their knowledge and real situations they get exposed to regularly in the field.
Our Values
We follow specific values in our vision to foster standard project management practices among organizations and individuals working in this field. In making any decision and performing any task, we strictly observe the values that add meaning to each step we take toward our vision. Our values stand on improving our community by facilitating sharing of knowledge between different levels of professionals in project management field, and through this contributing in prosperity of organizations and our country’s economic growth. In every step we take at APMC we value:
Community support
Access to knowledge
Member development
Any behavior and decision that stand against these values are obsolete in default and does not have any implementation support from the members and APMC board.
We define our values as below:
Community Support: Everything we do under APMC is centered on development of our community. Any act or decision that do not add value toward this purpose or sabotage this process is banned in default; e.g. we don’t implement programs that majority of our community can’t get into or participate due to the high costs charged for the programs.
Access to Knowledge: This is among the biggest challenges in our community we aim to resolve. We will try to design our programs and direct our efforts in a way to encourage our community to improve their capacity and provide them the necessary materials that they need for this purpose. We will avoid entering into any activity that limit access of our community to knowledge and skills.
Professionalism: Professionalism is doing all activities under professional and ethical standards of the project management field; e.g. a professional project manager doesn’t start a project without a charter and not assume a task that he/she is does not have the skills to deliver. As APMC is a professional entity, all activities we do should follow this value.
Member Development: We are committed to develop our members by supporting them achieve their career, personality and social goals through our efforts and resources. We strive to prepare opportunities for our members to develop their capacities and personalities and achieve their career and professional goals in suitable time. We avoid assigning any kind of task to our members that put their personal and career life in risk; e.g. we will not ask our members to deliver a task that decrease their performance quality in other areas of their career and life.