Learn to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner that will allow your ideas to be better understood by your readers. You will improve your business writing skill by learning to select and use appropriate formats for your audience, use the correct medium and adjust your writing style accordingly, as well as identify your objective and communicate it clearly.
You'll also learn to spot, correct and avoid the most common writing pitfalls, and gain valuable experience analyzing, writing and revising a wide spectrum of business documents. From a simple interoffice memo to a twenty-page business report, learn how to put good business writing to work for you.
Course Structure
In this four weeks training we will cover all the most important rules that a professional writer should consider before writing any type of business document from a simple internal email to a long proposal you want to submit for a grant. In this training you will learn the 10 rules of every great writing, and apply it on business documents such as memo, letter, meeting minute, and report. In each session you will have the opportunity to write business documents in groups and get interactive feedbacks from your trainer and classmates. You will be assigned to prepare and submit your own business documents at the end of the training, to ensure you are able to apply the writing rules appropriately. The brief of course agenda is outlined in below:
Week 1
In week one you will discover the basic principles that serve every great business writer for an elegant piece of writing. In this week, you'll discover the simple principles that inform all great business writing and that serve as the foundation of this course. These lessons set the stage for the deeper exploration and specific techniques that follow in week two-to-four of Business Writing course.
Week 2
In week two you will learn the universal organizational formula that allows you to optimize your business writing. You'll understand how the principles you learned in week one build to this formula, and you'll see how a scaffold gets created and applied to a real business document. By the end of this module, you'll be able to wield your organizational knowledge in service of your ideas and personal brand, and you'll have built the foundation that allows you to generate powerful sentences in week three.
Week 3
In this week we'll apply our writing principles and our scaffold to creating an actual memo. You'll see, step-by-step, how the scaffold guides the writing process to make it easier to create a forceful business document. You'll understand how to apply the scaffold to guide sentence and paragraph creation, and you'll have a chance to test and reinforce your new skills. The second lesson covers common grammatical errors that sap many writers' professional brands. We will describe why each error hurts your clarity, and how to correct your writing, even if you don't remember the grammar rule.
Week 4
In this week we will go beyond the scaffold and good grammar to provide you with specific tips that will elevate your language, infuse your writing with clarity, and amp up your ability to communicate your ideas effectively. During this four week you will develop a checklist of techniques that you can apply to any business document to insure your ideas shine on the page. In this week we will design activities to provide you with the opportunity to practice what you learned on actual business documents and share it with other for review and feedback.
Course Features:
16 hours of in-class training
10 hours of online training
Verified online certificate from University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Statement of Accomplishment (SOA) from Afghanistan Project Management Center
Schedule and Fee
How Can I Attend?
Duration: 4 weeks
Days: 2 days a week
Fee: 3,000 AFN
Discount:17% for 5 seat reservation
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